CRACYP was formed to facilitate rural development and reforestation in agricultural areas of extreme poverty. Their mission of "Progreso Verde" or "Green Progress" focuses on social and economic development in away which protects the environment. The nonprofit fosters environmental awareness while motivating and assisting local communities to take practical conservation action.

CRACYP'S numerous development projects help increase incomes to the point where people are able to think further ahead than the next meal while fostering respect for the planet.

NGO's such as this rely on volunteers to help carry out their mission. They are the very backbone to the Progreso Verde cause.

As with of all CRACYP's sustainable development projects, there is an element of reforestation: they retain from the communities a small percentage of their extra income and return it in the form of tree seedlings. Reforestation practices are a direct way to preserve habitats for native plants and animals.

Because of CRACYP's hands-on involvement with rural Ecuadorian communities, families such as the Arcos' are capable of growing organic produce sustainably.